Travel to the caves and beaches of Dubrovnik with our new Dubrovnik Cotton Scarf and Wrap. When you can see a storm coming, wrap yourself tight in this luxurious scarf and you will be transported to the beach once more, listening to the calm, lulling sound of the Dubrovnik seas.

This 180 x 120 Cotton Scarf can also be worn as a Beach Wrap.

Chapel at the end of the sea…

In the chapel at the end of the sea,
In a white dress, or
In bubble gum pink…

The storm arrives with a
Deliciously intoxicating force,
And a sense of

If I have only one wish to make
It has to be you,
Being here with me!

Under the quilted blanket made by the stars,
We are happily playing in the sand,
Let’s make a little cave together,
No one else can come in,
And please don’t
Don’t let it crumble…